Pushcart Prize Nominations For Work Published in 2024

As ever, Lowestoft Chronicle endeavors to honor as many contributors to the magazine as possible. Limits on the number of entries per award mean we can only submit six works for the Pushcart Prize. This week, the editor made the following selections for the Pushcart Prize L: Best of the Small Presses 2026 Edition.

Pushcart Prize nominations:

The Ski Lodgers, ART BELL.

In Another City, MARK JACOBS.

The Widower, PAUL O. JENKINS.

The Old Man at the Mall Takes His Daily Walk, RICHARD LUFTIG.

Burnt Sacrifice, JAMES B. NICOLA.

Searching for Roots in County Mayo, ANNA EGAN SMUCKER.

About the Pushcart Prize

The Pushcart Prize is an American literary prize published by Pushcart Press that honors the best “poetry, short fiction, essays or literary whatnot” published in the small presses over the previous year. Magazine and small book press editors are invited to submit up to six works they have featured.

Author: Editor

Founded in September 2009, Lowestoft Chronicle is a quarterly online literary magazine publishing travel-related fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction.