Kenneth P. Gurney
The woman who swims across the sky
does not tell a narrative
or a parable
or recite gospel.
She does not solicit ears
for a message
or advertising
or to trumpet some
of communal actions.
She maintains
a steady stroke
a constant motion
as she rides
the wake of the sun’s movement
as it appears to traverse
from east to west.
The woman who swims across the sky
does so to preserve paradox,
to inspire artists,
to belt the clouds to the earth,
to enjoy the ceiling
of her accomplishments.
About the Author
Kenneth P. Gurney lives in Albuquerque, NM, USA with his beloved Dianne. He emcees the Adobe Walls open mic at Page One Books. His latest book is Curvature of a Fluid Spine. To learn more visit: www.kpgurney.me/Poet/Welcome.html