San Antonio on My Birthday
Ann Howells
From seven stories up:
boats seem fantasy floats in a Rose Parade,
bloom with tourists in flowered shirts.
And down here, on the riverwalk,
riffs of mariachi music –
trumpet, guitarron, violin – carry
on intermittent breezes.
But I am swaddled in the music
of language: Spanish, Spanglish, English,
even tourists rolling their Rs.
I buy a small clay pot –
three legs and head of a goat –
two Dia de los Muertes figures –
bull and bullfighter.
Whiffs of grilled fajitas, chiles,
and sweet cinnamon scent of sopapillas
draw me into a tiny restaurant –
salty-lime taste of a margarita
makes me linger, relax,
watch tourists and natives mingle,
lost in the music of a language
I cannot even speak.
About the Author
Ann Howells edited Illya’s Honey for eighteen years. Recent books are: So Long As We Speak Their Names (Kelsay Books, 2019) and Painting the Pinwheel Sky (Assure Press, 2020). Chapbooks include Black Crow in Flight, Editor’s Choice in Main Street Rag’s 2007 competition and Softly Beating Wings, 2017 William D. Barney Chapbook Competition winner (Blackbead Books).