Looking for Brahm by Mickey J. Corrigan

Looking for Brahm

Mickey J. Corrigan

I have some questions.
My wife gave you
her number
when she was doing laundry
for our FAMILY
at the Laundromat
and hid this from me
for months.

She claims it’s innocent
I don’t believe her.

I want to meet you, Brahm,
not to chastise you
not to give you hell
but I’m hoping
to know
what really happened
that day.

You have no reason
to lie, Brahm.
She does.
Right now
I trust you


About the Author

Originally from Boston, Mickey J. Corrigan writes Florida noir with a dark humor. Project XX, a satirical novel about a school shooting, was released in 2017 by Salt Publishing in the UK. Newest release is What I Did for Love, a spoof of Lolita (Bloodhound Books, October 2019). Visit at www.mickeyjcorrigan.com.