Over the years, we’ve nominated work published in our magazine for various annual awards. The process has rarely been straightforward. Armies of micro mag editors up and down the country have grown accustomed to spending their marketing budgets making clumsy dissertations out of their digital journals in order to get the work evaluated by Top Table judges.
Mercifully, the vast majority of judges have stumbled across an incredible tool that streamlines the review process. It’s a free email service provided by Google. Entries get to them instantly and it even removes the threat of paper cuts. If only all judges would share this knowledge with others.
The Best American Series
New competitions emerge now and then, but every few years, a Best Of anthology editor closes the door on their PO Box and returns the key. The Best American Series, published annually by Mariner Books (an imprint of HarperCollins), is still going strong. In fact, the Best American Short Stories has lasted since 1915. Its five other series publications continue to accept submissions.
At the end of October we nominated the following pieces for their various anthologies.
Lowestoft Chronicle’s Best American Short Stories 2024 Nominations:
— Appropriate Distance, JIM DANIELS.
— An Englishman in Constantinople, JAMES GALLANT.
— On the Jetty, MARK JACOBS.
— Mirage, JEFF BURT.
Lowestoft Chronicle’s Best American Essays 2024 Nominations:
— Whigging Out, MARK JACOBS.
— The Forest of Signs, K.C. WOLFE.
— The National Road, TIM MORRIS.
Lowestoft Chronicle’s Best American Mystery and Suspense 2024 Nominations:
— P.C.T. – Please Call Them, DAVID HAGERTY.
— The Road to Agadez, MARK JACOBS.