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Perspectives on travel & the like…
Issue 01
A Contemporary Hx Of Ancient Culture In America by Joseph Reich
Artwork by Francis Raven
Butts-Up by Tom Mahony
Grave by Hugh Fox
In Panama by William Doreski
It is Hard To Be Different by Tim Conley
Life of Riley by Brian Beatty
May Prostitutes Only Take Cash by Tyke Johnson
Praha, Czech Republic by Jeremy Rich
Sunlight by Ron D’Alena
The Last Election by Frank Roger
Issue 10
A Conversation with Randal S. Brandt
J. S. Bach Said: by Joan L. Cannon
Loi Krathong by David Russomano
Meanwhile, a few blocks from Times Square by J.E.A. Wallace
On the Last Day of Vacation by Jenny Morse
Pájaro Diablo by Michael C. Keith
Political Awakening, 1970 by Denise Thompson-Slaughter
Practice by Mark J. Mitchell
Quality Time Over the Holidays by Charles Holdefer
Something Like Culture Shock by Dennis Vanvick
Weighing Heavy by Dietrich Kalteis
Issue 11
A Conversation with Franz Wisner
Chasing Linda by Lynn E. Palermo
Eddie in over his head by Dietrich Kalteis
Grotte de Niaux by Barth Landor
La Upsell by Robert Mangeot
On Seeing Frédéric Ten Years Later by Jada Ach
S O Bs by dl mattila
Scene 147 by Doug Long
Stains From the Mint Julep I Never Tasted by Rasmenia Massoud
The End of the Tether by Bruce Gatenby
The Nature of Things by Michael C. Keith
These Are The Days by Sharleen Jonsson
Issue 12
A Conversation with James Reasoner
A Natural History of My Apartment by Dylan Jesse
Apophallation by Steve Gronert Ellerhoff
Collective Nouns by Barth Landor
Cracked Windshield by Tamara Kaye Sellman
Lion of Lucerne by dl mattila
So Much It Hurts by Hayden Hibbard
The Art of Parties by David Owen Miller
The Final Ascent of Hal Tripp by David Shawn Klein
The Price Of A Toilet In Oldenburg by C.B. Heinemann
Twelve Devotions up on the Atlantic by Jack Austin
Issue 13
A Conversation with Michael C. Keith
Catch of the Day by Tara Deal
Detour to Bliss by Sheila Meltzer
Flight by Rob McClure Smith
Forty-Five Minutes to God by John Dennehy
French Lesson by Jackie Strawbridge
Gertrude’s Grave by Michael C. Keith
Harvest by Jay Parini
Silk Road Dreams by Kevin Brolley
Spurs, Stetsons and Stagecoaches: James Reasoner on Writing Westerns
The French, and Being Odd by Henry F. Tonn
The Loose Screw by Peter McMillan
The Marmot Trap by David Hagerty
Issue 14
A Book Entitled The History of Furniture by Andrew House
A Conversation with Abby Frucht
At the Market by Caroline Horwitz
Christie’s Free Way by Chuck Redman
Midrash by Jay Parini
My Own Special Caviar by Yvonne Pesquera
Old State Route by Kenneth P. Gurney
Petals and Moons by Lyndsay Wheble
Rush Hour At Gare Du Nord by Mallory Wycoff
Secrets of the Saints by Michael C. Keith
Takeoff by Patrick Thomas Henry
Issue 15
Cinch by Kenneth P. Gurney
Coupon-Clipping in Canada by Talia Charme-Zane
Gestures by Nick LaRocca
Letter Number Six: The Old Schoolhouse by John Bach
Monkeys of Emei Shan by Lauren Tivey
Old Man Packing For Rome by Adam Berlin
On Visit to Hellshire Beach (Jamaica) by Elvis Alves
Rice by Ed Hamilton
Stranded in Asturias by C.B. Heinemann
The Arsenale by Nancy Caronia
The Exit by Susan Moorhead
The Things Men Say On Their Way To Work by Scott Laudati
The Vegetable Gods by George Moore
Issue 16
A Conversation with Matthew P. Mayo
A Dash in Lagos by Laine Strutton
African Afternoon by Melissa Wiley
Apogee by Thomas Piekarski
Back in a Minute by Matthew Zanoni Müller
Hello My Name is Chris — A Confession by Michael Solomon
Into the Heartland by Carolyn Kraus
re: Your brother by Frank Mundo
Real Life by Sue Granzella
Song of a Seaport by Christine Valentine
The Bad Father by Tim Conley
The Rises and Falls of Svetlana Hiptopski by Kim Farleigh
Time Dilation Case Study: Central America by Jason Braun
Issue 17
Break and Enter by Peter Biello
Cape Tribulation (by name and by nature) by Olga Pavlinova Olenich
Cathy Has Visitors by William Quincy Belle
Existential Raccoons by Michael C. Keith
I Open My Eyes to Dark by Holly Day
Midnight’s Adult Cinema by Christopher Suda
Somewhere in the Heart of Rome by Robert Sachs
Survival of the Fittest by Allister Timms
To The Passenger In Seat C by dl mattila
Uprisings at Cap d’Antibes by Robert Mangeot
Issue 18
A Conversation with Jay Parini
A Conversation with Sheldon Russell
A Farewell to Farms by Kevin Quigley
Antique Roses by Robert Boucheron
Can’t Get It Outta My Head by Peter McMillan
Gait by Sarah Ann Winn
Run or Die — A Barcelona Runner’s Saga by Anthony Bain
Somewhere Out There by Michael C. Keith
The Life Cycle of Styrofoam by Melanie Griffin
The Sibyl by John Mueter
Via Dolorosa by Matt Nestor
Whirl, Dervish, Whirl by Melissa Wiley
Issue 19
A Noise of Boys by Allison Thorpe
A Question of the Tide by Victor Robert Lee
Bangkok of the Mind by Stephen Cloud
Children of the Moon by Paul McGranaghan
Jazz on the 9 by Dan Morey
Mobile Homeless by James Stark
My Driver, Sunday by Mona Zutshi Opubor
Shutterbugs by David Hagerty
Starbucks by Denise Mostacci Sklar
Strangers on a Plane by Darren Sapp
The Box of Space by M.V. Montgomery
The Cambodian Void: An Apology by Soren A. Gauger
The Technology of Literary Fiction by Jay Duret
Issue 2
America Versus Mount Fuji by Brinna Deavellar
Artwork by Jim Fuess
Backpack by John Bruce
Beauty by Phil Smith III
Gout by Davide Trame
Heliotrope Blues by Leland Thoburn
Houston, You’ve Got a Problem by Christopher Allen
Point No Point by Laury Egan
simple storage solutions by Derek Richards
The Fifth Wheel Wins by Kristin Fouquet
The Legendary Battle of Tokutawa Park by Dustin Burfiend
Issue 20
A Conversation with Scott Dominic Carpenter
Bad Boys Don’t Get Dessert by William Quincy Belle
Curious in Corsica: A Tale of Two Couples by Mary Donaldson-Evans
Danish as She is Spoke by Scott Dominic Carpenter
Denver by Kenneth P. Gurney
Enter the Travellers by Joe Mills
Paper Boats by Lilian D. Vercauteren
Rescue in the Mystical Mountains by C.B. Heinemann
Segway with the Bulls by Geoffrey B. Cain
Shooing Flies by David Havird
Svið by Paul McGranaghan
The High Colonic by Raymond Abbott
The Hill Behind the House by Michael C. Keith
Issue 21
Crystal Clear by Olga Wojtas
Cucumbers by Michael C. Keith
Deeper In by Christina Selby
Downhill from the Marble Village by David Havird
Everything that Lives by Jim Plath
Montana by James B. Nicola
Photo of a Beach Far Away by Kenneth P. Gurney
The Abduction of the Zogairy Women by Jane Røken
The Last Laugh of King Glotar by Nicolas Kostelecky
The Pink Envelope by Mike Koenig
The Trojan Horse by William Quincy Belle
Issue 22
A Bumpy Ride Over Bermuda, 1939 by Andrew J. Hogan
Artemis by Ashley Mace Havird
Elegy for David Jones by Frank Mundo
Independence Day by Eileen Cunniffe
Masquerade by Emil Rem
Metro by Justine Dymond
Ode to the Indigenous by Gina Ferrara
Our Heroine Moves by Anneli Matheson
Real Mickey by Nancy Scott Hanway
Road Kill by Liz Dolan
Second Opinion by Scott Solomon
The Game by William Quincy Belle
Issue 23
A Normal Country by Ryan Napier
Crazipals by Kathryn Hayashi
Fiftieth Anniversary Of Going Blind by Gerard Sarnat
Fire and Water for Elephants by Philip Alan Sandberg
Four and a Half Hours at 55 Miles Per Hour by Cesar Alejandro
Jealousy, Texas by Kate Imbach
Ladies Special by Namrata Poddar
Paul Explains Home by Ann Howells
River High by Michael C. Keith
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot by Nancy Ford Dugan
Talking Tico by Cindy Carlson
Unsquared by Bill Cole
Issue 24
0ut There by Doug Bolling
A Conversation with Robert Garner McBrearty
A Year’s Worth Of Postcards From London by J.E.A. Wallace
Bago Station by Elaine Barnard
Burrowing Beneath Budapest by James Michael Dorsey
Festa by Roland Barnes
Inside the Great Bartender by Colin Dodds
Michelangelo Doesn’t Cut It by Tina Koenig
Mummy Crimes by Madeline McEwen
Pueblo Christmas by Caroline Horwitz
Robert Garner McBrearty by After Zombies
What Settles After The Stars by Robert Mangeot
Issue 25
Border Wars: Tales from Two Taxis by Christopher Thornton
Emperor of Nuts by Elaine Barnard
Eyeless in Goa by Olga Pavlinova Olenich
Fire by Roland Barnes
In The Gravel At San Abbondio Cemetery by Gary Singh
People-Watching in the Galápagos Islands by Mary Donaldson-Evans
Rescue at Notre Dame by Connie Kallback
Sarge by Michael C. Keith
Sleeping with Strangers in Patagonia by Dawn Matheson
The Widow by David Havird
Three for Letter by Sudha Balagopal
Waterman by Robert Kerbeck
Issue 26
A Daihatsu Doctor by Roland Barnes
Great Satan Meets the Axis of Evil by Elaine Barnard
I Eat a Sea Mammal by Richard LeBlond
Moravian Burial Ground, London by G.B. Ryan
Musical Chairs at Lakshmi Lodge by Olga Pavlinova Olenich
Personal Development by Michael C. Keith
Safari on Mors Island by Knud Sønderby
Scott’s Porridge Oates by Paul Gray
There was a Knock by Peter Marsh
Two Dirt Roads by Jacqueline Jules
Virtuality by Ivy Goodman
Windsock by Robert Boucheron
Issue 27
Crying Wolf by Judy Upton
Death Valley Site 36 by Laura Wyckoff
In and Around Seoul-1992 by Clare Goldfarb
In The Land of Milk and Honey by Harold Ginn
Kundalini Yoga at the YMCA by Rob Dinsmoor
On Being American in Europe by Carrie Camp
Pennsylvanians in Rome by Dan Morey
Plan by James B. Nicola
Tales of a Middle-Aged Traveler by Kathy Dunkerley
The Keys by Dorene O’Brien
The Meteor Crater by Beth Escott Newcomer
Those Who Host and Those Who Guest by DM O’Connor
Issue 28
A Conversation with James R. Benn
A Grand Failure by Charles Edward Brooks
A Man of Property by Robert Boucheron
Arrivederci by Louise Turan
Emily by Elaine Barnard
Imagicon Farm by Victor Robert Lee
Library Days by Mike Nagel
New World Wasteland by James B. Nicola
Night Flight to a C Class Ward by Nick Harden
Tel el Amarna by David A. Watson
The Garden of Extinction by Sam Grieve
The God That Smiles by Daniel DeLeón
Issue 29
Bite Me by Jeanine Pfeiffer
Cancer Clinic by Tom Mahony
Engineering Logic by Jennifer E. Miller
I Wanna Know What Love Is by Terry Barr
Manna by Kenneth P. Gurney
Massaged in Vein by Sabrina Harris
On the Oxford to York by Arianna S. Warsaw-Fan Rauch
Self-Portrait by Richard Luftig
Times Are Different in Port St. Joe by Rob Dinsmoor
Traveling Companion by Mary Beth Magee
Truly the Light is Sweet by Eric Maroney
Whose Fault? by Lenny Levine
Issue 3
Hold of the Passed by Rodney Nelson
Liar, Liar by Aida Zilelian
Magic Skin by Michael C. Keith
Matt Sartain
Medmur by Hugh Fox
My David Attenborough moment by Cath Barton
Photo Club Project by Jennine Capó Crucet
Rites by Paul Kavanagh
Stevie and Louie by Mike Connor
The Shooting Party by Jack Frey
This Lack Of Maps by John Grey
Issue 30
Dream Job by AN Block
Hunt by Elliot Greiner
Japanese Taxis and Elementary Incidents by Anthony Head
Mt. Gretna by James B. Nicola
R.O.T. Rallies by Jill Hawkins
Rome 1973 by Todd McKie
The Flyer in the Train by Charles G. Chettiar
The Great One by Lou Gaglia
The Paperboy Incident by Frank Morelli
The Sweetest Sound by Mary Donaldson-Evans
The Taxi I Called by Saundra Norton
The Vomit Comet To Koh Tao by Brennen Fahy
Issue 31
Chariot by Tamra Plotnick
Goodbye to the Family Car by Elliot Greiner
Hitchhiker by Joe Albanese
Hsi-Wei and the Good by Robert Wexelblatt
La Tomatina by Robert Mangeot
Lost and Found in Russia by Judy S. Richardson
One Star by Sharon Frame Gay
The Acute and the Grave by Scott Dominic Carpenter
The Finn in Cochin by Olga Pavlinov Olenich
The Mystery of the Stairs by George Moore
The Ups and Downs by Kelly Wylde
What Do Mares Eat? by Rob Dinsmoor
Issue 32
A Conversation with Dietrich Kalteis
A World of Eternal Silence by Alistair Rey
Angie’s Wedding by Charles Joseph Albert
Farmer Joe by Ruyi Wen
Holy Water by Karen Fayeth
Random Violence by R. Gerry Fabian
Saving Face by Daniel L. Link
Strangers on a Train by James B. Nicola
The Man With No Outlines by Tushar Jain
The Museum of Unwearable Shoes by Gene Twaronite
The Thing On My Plate by J. Allen Whitt
Issue 33
Alimentary Proof by Gene Twaronite
Cupcake Mistake by Glen Donaldson
Elfin by Owen Traylor
Location Sluts by Joan Frank
Miles of Asphalt by Katie Frankel
Monseigneur by Don Noel
Passport Control by Jean L. Kreiling
Song of the Highway by Sharon Frame Gay
The GENEration Pyramid by Rob Dinsmoor
The Priority Line by David Macpherson
The Return of the Railroad Bull: A Conversation with Sheldon Russell
Issue 34
Alys of the Red Monks by M. T. Ingoldby
Centerpieces at the Inn by James B. Nicola
Commencement Address by Carl James Grindley
Hsi-wei’s Visit to Ko Qing-zhao by Robert Wexelblatt
My Nephews and Nieces Will Boast with Pride by Michael Coolen
Noise by Brian James Lewis
One Kind of Traveler by Mike Dillon
One, Two, Three, Hike! by Lawrence Morgan
Surf’s Up! by Rob Dinsmoor
Tall Tale by Daniel Galef
The Buzzing by Philip Barbara
The Jagalchi Fish Market by Elaine Barnard
Issue 35
Arizona by James B. Nicola
Border Crossing by Diane G. Martin
Fishermen by Joe Mills
Half as Smart by Dixon Hearne
Homesick by Matthew Mitchell
Howard at Ravenswood by Rob Dinsmoor
Life Is Grand by Mark Halpern
Low Season in Grado by Gary Singh
Oh, Pardon by Matthew Menary
Pathetic Fallacy by Anum Sattar
The Treasure of Asō Lin by M.T. Ingoldby
Turkish Apple Harvest by Dave Gregory
Ubiquitous by Thomas Piekarski
Issue 36
A Conversation with James Sale by Carol Smallwood
A Conversation with Matthew P. Mayo by Nicholas Litchfield
Armistice Day by Dan Morey
Divine Intervention by Sharon Frame Gay
Going to Edinburgh by Phillip Parotti
Lost at the Vatican by Judy S. Richardson
Lovesick Walrus Turns Up on Orkney Beach by Valerie Nieman
My Knee Had an Itch by Richard Charles Schaefer
No Lasting Trace by Joe Giordano
The Novice Tightrope Walker by Simone Tropea
Travel Planning by Gail Tyson
You Turned Twenty-Five in EuroDisney by Matt Mason
Issue 37
“First Drafts Should Be Handwritten,” He Advises by Cat Dixon
asphalt ribbons by Lee Clark Zumpe
Canto 4 by James Sale
LaLa Land by Lori Barrett
Octopus by Christie B. Cochrell
Security by Rob Dinsmoor
Sizing Up by Valerie Nieman
Squirrel Pie and the Golden Derrière by Scott Dominic Carpenter
The Accidental Peacemaker by Mary Donaldson-Evans
Touched by the (Tuscan) Sun by Olga Pavlinova Olenich
Windfall by Don Noel
Issue 38
A Conversation with Timothy J. Lockhart
Captions by James B. Nicola
Doing Laundry in Yalikavak by Mike Barrett
Excess Baggage By Rob Dinsmoor
Heart of New York by Emil Rem
Hippasus of Metapontum by Robert Perron
On Reading Too Many of Those Artsy Poems Where the Imagination is Lofted a Wee Bit High by DeWitt Clinton
Passing By by George Moore
Properly Naked by Julie Wakeman-Linn
The Christ Moment by Robert Beveridge
Wanderlost by Ian C. Smith
What’s So Funny? A Love Story by Linda Boroff
Issue 39
At the Threshold by R.F. Mechelke
Boiled Pork by Suzanne Brøgger
Cause and Effect by Tom Bont
Druich by James B. Nicola
Mr. O’Brien’s Last Soliloquy by Robert Garner McBrearty
Not One Before Another by Frank Mundo
Pets in Texas by Rick Joy
Show Me the Bust of Marcus Agrippa by Christie B. Cochrell
Three Strikes by Tim Frank
Time, That Stalker by Ian C. Smith
Truck Stop by Rob Dinsmoor
Why Paris, once again Paris? by Steven Ray Smith
Issue 4
An Old Feud by Micah Dean Hicks
Circle Bread by Benjamin Winship
Compassion by Tim Conley
Dented by Katherine Hinkebein
Email to a Lazy Coworker by Xenia Hanna
Jenny Starr-Busch Johnson
Lola by Lisa Abellera
The End of the Thing by Anthony Malone
The English Channel by John Sobieck
The Memory of Laughter by Paulina Shur
Waiting For The Train by Howard Waldman
Walk Out by Eric G. Müller
Issue 40
Bad Week at the Goliath Hotel, Paris by John Sierpinski
Green Acres by David Shawn Klein
It Looks Ridiculous by Robert Feinstein
Leave the Cannoli by Matthew Snyderman
Mildred by Robert Wexelblatt
Miniatures by Valerie Nieman
Monkey Steal, Monkey Drool by JL Smither
on the fifth anniversary of her death by Lee Clark Zumpe
Sky by DeWitt Clinton
That Sinking Feeling by Rob Dinsmoor
Tis the Lord’s Work by Stephen McQuiggan
Issue 41
Abaris the Hyperborean to His Golden Arrow by Daniel Galef
Around Saskatchewan by Richard Luftig
Forty Years Ago by Ron Singer
International Arrival by Jennifer Swallow
Looking for Brahm by Mickey J. Corrigan
McMaster by Robert Boucheron
Practical French Lessons by James Gallant
Round the Bend by Warren Merkel
Rowing In Dulce de Leche by Summer Koester
the ligustrum needs pruning by Lee Clark Zumpe
The Montparnasse Moon Shot by Robert Mangeot
The Sugar Hop by E.O. Connors
The Woodcutter: A Conversation with Sheldon Russell
Issue 42
A Businessman in Kilimantuk by Michael Robinson Morris
Bijou by Mary Donaldson-Evans
Don’t Blink or You’ll Miss It by Mary Kreienkamp
Hall’s Gap, Easter, 1972 by Ian C. Smith
Harrisburg by James B. Nicola
Junk Mail by Rob Dinsmoor
Junk, Ready to Buy by Richard Key
Making It to the Other Side of the Lake by Dan A. Cardoza
Sometimes Town by Richard Luftig
The Sinkhole that Ate Los Angeles by Gardner Mounce
Translove Airlines by Marc Harshman
Issue 43
A Village Near the Border by Marc Harshman
Being Watched by Don Noel
Hotel by Tim Frank
Lloyd Majestic by Leah Holbrook Sackett
Seeds of Destruction by Rob Dinsmoor
Slacum Blood by John B. Mahaffie
The First American Explorers to Canyon de Chelly by David Hagerty
The Inexplicable Journey of the Taco Bell Lobster by Robert Beveridge
The Lagardo Inn by Scott Anderson
Trouble-Free Driving by Stan Dryer
Who Invited Mother Nature on the All-Boys Weekend? by Dave Gregory
Issue 44
Clandestine by Lorraine Caputo
Even at a Distance by J.L. Austin
Hsi-wei and the Three Proverbs by Robert Wexelblatt
It’s a Crossing, Not a Cruise by Bill Brown
Just Entering Darkness, Missouri by Jeff Burt
Letter From Fairbanks by James B. Nicola
Privilege by dl mattila
The Christmas Boxer by Christopher Cosmos
The Nomad Diner by Sharon Frame Gay
The Pioneer Hotel by Elizabeth Sowden
The Roof Is on Fire by Ben von Jagow
Tourists by Aaron Sandberg
Who Took the Chip? by Chila Woychik
Issue 45
A Long Walk Through Time by Catherine Dowling
Espèce de Cowboy by Charles Holdefer
Far Beyond, Years Later by DAH
Huntsville by dl mattila
Kilroy Was Here by Shannon Cuthbert
La Tour sans Argent by Mary Donaldson-Evans
No Entiendo by Robert Mangeot
Runner’s Low by Christian Harrington
Subway Swindle by Bruce Harris
The Piazza Senza Banco, Long After by James B. Nicola
Una Terra del Miracoloso by Robin Michel
Woman with the Red Carry-On by Jacqueline Jules
Issue 46
A Fascination Thing by Linda Caradine
Cowlateral Damage by J.C. Elkin
Fallen Angel by Roger Singer
Hsi-wei and the Little Straw Sandals by Robert Wexelblatt
Isabella by DAH
Liar’s Table by Richard Luftig
My Happy Place by Jacqueline Jules
No further north by DS Maolalai
On the Al-Can by Richard Holinger
Rock Stars Come to St. Ingbert by C.B. Heinemann
Something Different by Laurel DiGangi
To the Finse Station by David Guaspari
Issue 47
An Elegy for Shoes by Katherine Pickett
Are We There Yet? by Harper Warner
Bargains by Carolyn R. Russell
Bird Brain by Bruce Harris
Empathy by Laurence Klavan
Hindenburg by Jacqueline Jules
Isle of Mull by George Moore
It’s a Wonderful Town by Robert Luhn
Missing Spice by Amy Barone
Sevilla Trio by Jen Burke Anderson
The Journey To Autumn by Sharon Frame Gay
The Underground Baggage Miners of Delhi by Tim Campbell
What the Postcard Didn’t Say – #18 by Shoshauna Shy
Issue 48
Banana Baggage by Linda Ankrah-Dove
Corncob Caper by Bruce Harris
Lone Pony by Jon Moray
Magic Max by Marc Simon
Monkey Island by Dan Morey
No Capisco by Alfredo Quarto
Point A to Point B by Melissent Zumwalt
Pulp Friction by Paul Gray
Sourcing A New Winery by Spencer Harrington
The Girl from the Sticks by Rob Dinsmoor
The Island that Time Forgot by Steve Slavin
The Italian Decision by Matthew Menary
The No-Shit Rule by Richard Holinger
Issue 49
Bad Trip? What I Learned from Meeting Paul Theroux by William Fleeson
Bum Call by Bruce Harris
Family Circus by Jeff Alphin
Lost City by Robert Wexelblatt
Making Sense by Linda Ankrah-Dove
Sanctuario El Rosario by Susan Coultrap-McQuin
Singapura by Ken Wetherington
The Curse by Tim Frank
The Last Road Trip of the Monte Carlo by Jeff Burt
Two Halves of a Whole by Catherine Dowling
Waterloo by Phillip Temples
We, the Melungeons by James Gallant
Issue 5
A Proof of Murphy’s Law by Morgan Shafter
Apple-Eaten Heathen by Erika Ostergaard
Chevyitz, the Ram by Michael Postel
Coming, Ready Or Not by Benjamin Kensey
Evensong at Ripon Cathedral by Joan L. Cannon
Mission Accomplished by U Ebiz
Of Checkers and Noodle Soup by Matt Mok
Ordinary Deckhand by Wayne Lee
Storming the High Hill by Richard Bell
The Brenner Pass by Bruce Gatenby
Tourist Attractions by A.L. Means
Issue 50
A Very Moving Experience by Lou-Ellen Barkan
Banking on Instinct by Susan Knox
Budgie Smugglers of Lead by Jon Wesick
Cello Duet by Kimberly Peterson
Go Placidly by Kate Maxwell
Landscaping at the Phoenix Airport by Ann Howells
On the Road to Morocco by Melanie Chartoff
The Aeronautical Lawn Chair by Don Noel
The Mérida Express by Lorraine Caputo
Vagina Warrior by Jon Imparato
Waxing Nautical by James B. Nicola
Webern’s Lament by K. E. Karl
Issue 51
A Conversation with Mark Jacobs
After the Meltdown, On the Hunt by Mark Jacobs
COIMBRA: a psychogeography by Cristina Legarda
Hard Cheese by Anne Dorrian
Idlewild by Joan Mazza
Indigenous Technology by Lynette Yetter
Jerusalem Architect by Andrew Edwards
Love More by Barbara Bottner
Mr. Trump in Trinidad by Jesse O’Reilly-Conlin
Riffs on The Travels of Marco Polo by James Gallant
The Turkish Dolmuş—The Nation on Wheels by Craig Dicker
Whistling Up The Moon by Sharon Frame Gay
Issue 52
A Conversation with Mary Donaldson-Evans by Nicholas Litchfield
A Sort of Pilgrimage Up St. Patrick’s Mountain by Michael D. Burke
Boccaccio’s Story Never Included in the Decameron by James Gallant
Border Incident by Ken Wetherington
Bulkhead Seat by Mary Donaldson-Evans
I Circle Back by Joan Mazza
Irrational by David Shawn Klein
Out of Bounds by Stephen Benz
Roid Rage by Rob Dinsmoor
The Thing by Gaye Brown
Traffic (and Weather Together) by Ron Singer
Two Days Out From San Juan by Mark Jacobs
Your Intersections with Nature by William Doreski
Issue 53
A Conversation with Robert Wexelblatt by Nicholas Litchfield
A Ship of Dreams by Kathy Dunkerley
Chile Paste by Robert Beveridge
Death By Elephant by Roger Camp
Encounters with the Anti-merchant by Richard LeBlond
Get Out of Town by Ann Howells
Imagining Love in Paris by Robin MichelI
P.C.T. – Please Call Them by David Hagerty
Seniors on the Move by William Doreski
The Man Without a Name by Bart Edelman
War, All the Time by Jon Wesick
Whigging Out by Mark Jacobs
Issue 54
An Englishman in Constantinople by James Gallant
Appropriate Distance by Jim Daniels
Battlestar Polenta by Jon Wesick
foreclosure by Lee Clark Zumpe
Goodbye to Dallas by Ann Howells
Like Bats by Robert Beveridge
On the Jetty by Mark Jacobs
One Night Only by Stuart Watson
Riding the Midnight Express to Tangier by Roger Camp
The Complete Poems of John Keats by William Miller
The Forest of Signs by K.C. Wolfe
Wawona Hotel, Yosemite: Listening to Frogs in the Snow by Robin Michel
Issue 55
“Lady Macbeth” by William Miller
Funny as in Ha-Ha by Robert Boucheron
How Did I Miss This Was A Thing? by Charles Joseph Albert
In Memory of Major Marie Rossi-Cayton by Peter Mladinic
Lights in Mexico by George Moore
Mirage by Jeff Burt
Playing House by David Havird
Product Placement Theater Presents: Farewell, My Duckling by Jon Wesick
South of Sunshine by W. M. McIntosh
The Middle of Catskill-Nowhere by Katie Baker
The Narrows by David Hagerty
The Road to Agadez by Mark Jacobs
Issue 56
Abroad by Susanna Kittredge
Acts by Chila Woychik
Bedouin Encounters by James Gallant
High Relief by David Havird
Long Layover by Stuart Watson
Manolo Took My Phone by Mark Jacobs
Paris Is Still Burning by Daniel Robinson
The Bear’s Bear by Brian Sacca
The Fires by George Moore
The National Road by Tim Morris
Volta by Diana Senechal
we live near the airport by Julie Allyn Johnson
Issue 57
A Conversation with Jim Daniels
Brownie Bribery by Bruce Harris
Galápagos Sketches—A Village Feast Day by Lorraine Caputo
Helen Leaves Egypt by Mark J. Mitchell
In the Secret Village in France by Jim Daniels
Journey’s Fool by Ann Power
On-Time Departure by Robert J. Binney
Palaiochora Unbound by Michael Robinson Morris
Refugee Highway by Ken Wetherington
San Antonio on My Birthday by Ann Howells
Shut the F Up, Paris by Rebecca Cardon
Some Things I Remember by Mark Jacobs
The Invitation by Richard Ploetz
Issue 58
Au Michel by Daria Lojko
Baggage Claim by Jeffery Allen Tobin
Burnt Sacrifice by James B. Nicola
Mona Lisa Effect by David L. Updike
My Evening in Paris by Marlene DeVere
Navajo Nation by Robert Perron
Searching for Roots in County Mayo by Anna Egan Smucker
Sharp Knives by Mark Jacobs
The Best Tour We Never Understood by Li Ruan
The Ski Lodgers by Art Bell
The Widower by Paul O. Jenkins
wolverine by Julie Allyn Johnson
Issue 59
A Conversation with Adam Berlin
A Conversation with Jerry Levy
A Senior and a Slacker Tour Literary Dublin by Dan Morey
After Dark by Anna Egan Smucker
but not The Scream by Adam Berlin
Early Childhood Education by Tamara Kaye Sellman
In Another City by Mark Jacobs
Mina Loy and the Millennium by Richard Collins
Recalculating by Jeffery Allen Tobin
Room at the top by Victor Pogostin
selenic by Julie Allyn Johnson
Strange Encounters: Hospital Version by Denise Thompson-Slaughter
Terra Incognita of the Mind by Lance Mason
The Old Man at the Mall Takes His Daily Walk by Richard Luftig
The Vacation Where We Should Have Stayed Home by Dan McKay
Three-Year Guaranty by Marc Egnal
When You Grow Up by James B. Nicola
Issue 6
Incarnations by Olga Pavlinova Olenich
Kleinkunst by Charles Haddox
Le Caprice Bar, Mykonos by Laury A. Egan
No Place to Roost by Kat Rohr
Oscar Wilde’s Father’s Cat by Nicholas Rasche
Patience by Lorraine Caputo
Ragtop by Rick Hartwell
The Adventures of Root Beer Float Man by Michael Frissore
The Adversary by Tom Mahony
The Warning Label by Caroline Harvey
Wyoming at Home by Rasmenia Massoud
Issue 60
A Concert at the Reformed Music Festival on Bakáts Square, Budapest by Diana Senechal
A Rising Tide by David Hagerty
An ‘African’ Adventure by Mary Donaldson-Evans
burnished angel by Julie Allyn Johnson
Coming Home by Stuart Watson
Delivering by Jim Daniels
Drivin’ to Aunt Rhodie’s by Ann Howells
Elizabeth Bishop in Brazil by Mickey J. Corrigan
Riding the Phantom by Daniel Robinson
The Stairs in the Woods by Ann Power
The Temptation of Celeste Azul by Mark Jacobs
Time, Einstein, Dali, Relativity, Mussolini, and More: Letter from Italy by Christopher Thornton
Up in Smoke–Memories of a Smoker by Marco Katz Montiel
Issue 7
A Conversation with Augustine Funnell
Before the Visa Expires by Elizabeth Kate Switaj
Dr. Dream by Lou Gaglia
Florida National Guard Invades Cuba by Vanessa Blakeslee
I like your deer’s moustache, and other Lithuanian tales by Rijn Collins
on the stairs by Michael J. Berntsen
Precious Treasure Chicken by Will Buckingham
Southern Flee by Matt Baganz
Supernova by Nicholas Rombes
The Door by Justin Paul Walters
The Smell of Summer Asphalt by Michael C. Keith
The Tip by Michelle Webster-Hein
Issue 8
Alme by Michael C. Keith
Down with Bodo by Gordon West
Getting Lucky by Kathie Giorgio
Mesozoic Man by Chuck Redman
My Vagine by Martina Clark
Notes on my Father by Kate McCahill
Reception by Valentina Cano
Safety School by Scott Younkin
Talisman by Paul Kavanagh
The Hip Chick by Samantha Memi
Time for Joy by Amie McLaughlin
Issue 9
Bloody Driving Gloves by Hector S. Koburn
Jogging Through Jane Austen by Joe Mills
November Poem by Joan L. Cannon
Nowhere…Because It’s There by William Hillyard
Of Love and Monkeys by Heather Corrigan
Paris Is A Woman by Jerry Levy
The Ride by William Matthew McCarter
Trunyan by Douglas Cole
Where I Go When I’m Not Listening to You by Susan Kelley
Wild Lands by Ryan Priest
You and I Have Something in Common by Brian Conlon
Issue 60
Issue 59
Issue 58
Issue 57
Issue 56
Issue 55
Issue 54
Issue 53
Issue 52
Issue 51
Issue 50
Issue 49
Issue 48
Issue 47
Issue 46
Issue 45
Issue 44
Issue 43
Issue 42
Issue 41
Issue 40
Issue 39
Issue 38
Issue 37
Issue 36
Issue 35
Issue 34
Issue 33
Issue 32
Issue 31
Issue 30
Issue 29
Issue 28
Issue 27
Issue 26
Issue 25
Issue 24
Issue 23
Issue 22
Issue 21
Issue 20
Issue 19
Issue 18
Issue 17
Issue 16
Issue 15
Issue 14
Issue 13
Issue 12
Issue 11
Issue 10
Issue 09
Issue 08
Issue 07
Issue 06
Issue 05
Issue 04
Issue 03
Issue 02
Issue 01