Canadian detective Frank Yakabuski is caught in the middle of a violent gang war while investigating the grisly murder of a notorious gang leader found hanging from a fence in a kids’ sports field with his eyes cut out and a diamond worth 1.2 million dollars in his mouth.
Former Ottawa newspaper columnist and radio host Ron Corbett received high praise for his debut novel, Ragged Lake, the first in a three-book deal he signed with Toronto’s ECW Press. The critically acclaimed mystery, published in October of last year, was a 2018 Edgar Award nominee for best paperback original.
In keeping with the series opener, the follow-up, Cape Diamond, is a grim, violent, suspenseful tale set near Ontario’s Northern Divide, an uninviting region full of ‘crack houses and pop-up meth labs and squatters so scary you felt sorry for the cockroaches.’
Nicholas Litchfield’s review of Ron Corbett’s dark, gory, and cinematic follow-up to Ragged Lake is featured today in the Lancashire Post and syndicated to 20 newspapers in the UK. You can read the review here.