“In the slim but impactful story collection Sleeping Dragons, Bolivian writer and professor Magela Baudoin, a past winner of the Gabriel García Márquez Spanish American Short Story Award and Bolivia’s National Novel Award (Premio Nacional de Novela), unsettles and surprises as she steers her realistic narratives into unexpected and thought-provoking territory. A collection of fifteen unrelated stories, which have been translated into English by Wendy Burk and M. J. Fièvre, the short but succinct narratives focus on the everyday lives of people confronted with challenges, difficult choices, unhappy circumstances, and uncertain futures. Oftentimes, Baudoin focuses on one character and one singular event, and during the course of the narrative, the author vaguely discloses details about her character’s past, revealing painful memories, fears, and discontentment. Frequently, the reader is left to draw his or her own conclusions about the ending.”
Nicholas Litchfield’s review of Magela Baudoin’s story collection Sleeping Dragons is featured today in the Colorado Review.