“Wise-cracking, lecherous homicide detective Lieutenant Al Wheeler investigates the disappearances of pretty ‘dames,’ a complex hit-and-run case, and murders at a science fiction convention in three entertaining entries in the phenomenally successful Carter Brown mystery series.
Written in the 1950s and long since out-of-print, No Harp for My Angel, Booty for a Babe, and Eve, It’s Extortion are a trio of swift-paced, tongue-in-cheek stories by the incredibly prolific Alan Geoffrey Yates, writing under the house name Carter Brown.”
Nicholas Litchfield’s review of No Harp for My Angel, Booty for a Babe, and Eve, It’s Extortion is published in the Lancashire Post and syndicated to 25 newspapers in the UK. You can read the full review at the web link below, or elsewhere: