“In this unusual tale of death and monsters and environmental devastation, horror, science fiction, romance, and satire bleed together to form a vibrant literary delight that is as powerful and imposing as the fearsome orange-hued river that runs through it.
To the Bones is the fourth novel from American author Valerie Nieman, who teaches creative writing at North Carolina A&T State University. Nieman, whose poetry and prose have appeared in numerous literary journals and anthologies, was once a journalist and a newspaper editor. She has also worked as a farmer. Here, she applies her knowledge of Appalachian heritage, coal mining in the region, and investigative journalism to chisel out a post-apocalyptic, eco-justice love story set in the vivid yet fictional Carbon County, West Virginia.”
Nicholas Litchfield’s full review of Valerie Nieman’s tense and atmospheric To the Bones is available on the Colorado Review’s Center for Literary Publishing website.