“This year’s anthology, Intrepid Travelers, is an exhilarating, uplifting and offbeat journey to the world’s most exciting and exotic locations; a paean to life’s adventurers, those plucky, inspirational souls who travel to enjoy rather than to arrive.
From frank and fascinating interviews with legendary Western writer James Reasoner, foremost David Dodge biographer Randal S. Brandt, and the funny, fearless travel author Franz Wisner, to poetic musings on piano playing, an Ice Age grotto and those terrifying moments of plane take-off, Intrepid Travelers is a coruscating cornucopia of humour, drama and big, beautiful adventures. Highly original and entertaining. Don’t miss it!” — Lancashire Evening Post
The Lancashire Evening Post, the excellent British daily tabloid newspaper that dates back to 1886, carries a glowing review of our latest anthology, Intrepid Travelers. Discussing the work of at least ten of the contributors, the online review is available to read at the weblink below. There will also be a review published in the printed version of the Lancashire Evening Post on June 17th.